2025 #JEIMathOlympiad registration is now open!
Math Olympiad challenges students and provides a platform to showcase their skills and passion for mathematics. JEI Learning Centers would like to invite students from first through eighth grade to participate in the 2025 Math Olympiad.
- When: March 22, 2025
Check-in and contest start times vary by center.
Please contact your local center for more information - Where: at participating JEI Learning Centers
- Eligibility: Open to all students, 1st through 8th grade
It’s a race against the clock as your child goes head-to-head with students from around the country to answer 30 math problems in under an hour. Questions will be divided by grade levels and are based on JEI’s Math and Problem Solving Math curriculum. Students can see how well they have honed their critical thinking, reasoning, logic, and mathematical knowledge by solving as many problems correctly on the Math Olympiad.
- Registration: February 1st – March 15th
- JEI Students: $30
- Non-JEI Students: $40
Awarded by grade:
- 1st Place: $300
- 2nd Place: $200
- 3rd Place: $100
Have more questions about the event? Call or stop by your local JEI Learning Center today to learn more!