How JEI’s personalized instruction helped Angela become a better learner
Our student Angela switched over from Kumon to JEI Math in the third grade and never looked back. Enrolled at the JEI Learning Center in Princeton Junction, New Jersey, Angela attributed her growing success as a learner to the personalized instruction she received and our unique workbooks. Now in the 8th grade, she has finished JEI Problem Solving Math, learned language arts in JEI English, and has reached the end of the JEI Math program.
“At first, I thought JEI was like any other extracurricular math class, but it was better than other classes I took,” Angela told us. “At first, it was kind of easy, but that was like a good review and refresher for me and helped to prepare me. As I went up the levels, things got more challenging. As the problems got harder, I would use my knowledge from the previous problems to help me with the harder ones.”
She enjoyed the personalized experience that is unique to JEI, explaining that teachers in other extracurricular classes usually were too busy teaching a bunch of students. “Those weren’t one on one, which made it hard to learn anything, but at JEI, I could go at my own pace. Since it was personalized, I was able to learn more things than I could have at any other place,” said Angela.
While JEI helped her with the challenging things she was learning in school and prepared her for the algebra and geometry she would be learning next year, what she learned goes beyond JEI Math. Angela said:
“You need to finish a whole book in a week, so I had to split up the pages I had to do, and that helped me with time management. This helped me the most this year because I have a lot of classes outside of school and a lot of homework for school. Every middle schooler procrastinates at some point along the school year, but JEI helped me with that.”
The workbooks helped her with not only time management but also comprehension and study habits. She would read the concept pages and, if she didn’t understand them, her instructors would explain further and walk her through one problem before having her do more on her own. Angela would then do more work at home. She said, “That helped me figure out how to study when I’m by myself and reinforced the things I learned at school or JEI. I would usually go over the material for the concepts I learned and make some extra notes if I have to.”
The workbooks would also motivate her to keep on going, so she could move on to the next levels with a feeling of satisfaction each time. More than anything, through our JEI programs, Angela gained confidence in herself and her abilities:
“At first, when a problem or anything seems challenging, I just have to push through and use everything that I learned before to help me. I figured out that sometimes, I give up really easily because I don’t have confidence in what I’m doing and think I can’t do it, but with guidance, the instructors, parents, or anyone who’s helping me can push me further, so I can gain confidence and do whatever I want to do.”
Angela concludes that even though she did not enjoy the subject of math, JEI helped her understand many things much better and will continue to help her in the future. That’s why she recommends it to everyone, regardless of how they feel about the subject.
If you and your child are interested in experiencing all the benefits of the JEI programs like Angela, make sure to give us a call at (877) JEI-MATH!